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The Wagon Wheel House
The Wagon Wheel House
Voted #2 Attraction in Park County !!
Our RIDES are 'Soft Footprint'- on Existing Roads - No Damage to the Forest
There is No Other Opportunity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem for
Seniors, Small Children, Aged or the Physically Limited that is anything like this!
We LOVE Yellowstone. You gotta go! But, Yellowstone National Park cannot offer what WE do.
FUN for Anyone! . . from 9 Months to 90 Years !
- No Map skills required. (Still we give you one, well, ......actually FOUR !)
You can't get lost! One Way in and One Way back out! E-Z!!
Travel Safely on CLEARLY MARKED gravel & dirt ROADS....not Forest trails,
along the River , Creeks & Valleys. - You get a world famous >>
A Package full of History & Directions - Plus, we provide a Garmin InReach Satellite Texting Device = Free! You're always in touch even w/o Cell Service !
It's not the Destination...

24hr Notice for Rentals You must be 25 yrs old
You Drive - YOUR Fun @ Your Pace
You Drive - YOUR Fun @ Your Pace
We'll put a Forest Map w/ WayPoints... Right on YOUR Phone!
Grab your Driving Maps, Walking Maps & GO ... Watching your GPS Progress as you RIDE!!
We supply a Garmin InReach Satellite Communicator with Each Rental
We are ONLY a Text Message Away the entire time you're Making Memories
No matter How YOU Ride, there's One Way IN & One Way OUT.
From Meeteetse to Mountain Rides to Kirwin and back.
You cannot get lost. Besides, WE KNOW where you are ;) !!
* Total Price = One SxS, up to 6 people all day (9 hrs) for less than $60.00 per hour (less than $10 per person/per hr)
Rentals are per Vehicle, not per person
WHAT's Included you ask??
THE Best Value on YOUR Vacation !
* plus taxes & fees

$449.00* for all day (9 hrs)
Seats up to 6
Yamaha Viking VI

* Total Price = One SUV, up to 8 people all day (9 hrs) for less than $60.00 per hour (less than $7.50 per person/per hr)
THE Best Value on YOUR Vacation !
Rentals are per Vehicle, not per person
* plus taxes & fees
$449.00* for all day (9 hrs)
Seats up to 8
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